Long-distance co-parenting can present unique challenges for families. When parents live far apart, communication, planning and commitment to shared parenting responsibilities become even more critical. Whether the distance is due to a job relocation, military...
Will parallel parenting solve your co-parenting issues?
The fact of the matter is that co-parenting isn't for everyone. Some relationships are simply too fraught with conflict to work together. Just because you and the other parent can't have an amicable relationship right now doesn't mean you can't help your children...
It’s possible to make a difficult co-parenting relationship work
When you make the choice to divorce, you probably wonder what this will mean for your children. Will they make it through this difficult process without major emotional wounds? Can you protect the relationship you have with your kids? These are all important...
Maryland divorce: What constitutes unfit parenting?
Making the decision to divorce may be one of the most stressful experiences of your life. It's common for such a decision to spark many lifestyle changes and challenges, especially regarding your children, if you're a parent. Many issues stem from child-related...
Is an alimony order set in stone?
Are you divorced or preparing to end your marriage? Do you have concerns about alimony? If so, you are not alone. Numerous Maryland residents want to know if they can get spousal support or if they will have to pay it, and if any order issued is set in stone.The truth...
Parental alienation can be a serious post-divorce problem
When you decided to file for divorce in a Maryland court, you knew that your decision was going to have an impact on your children's lives. However, you also knew that you would build a strong support system around your kids to help them cope and move on in life. You...
Do you have a hidden asset problem on your hands?
If you're preparing for divorce, you are among hundreds, if not thousands, of other Maryland spouses who are currently doing the same. No two divorces pan out the same way, however. Some couples never step foot inside a courtroom, opting instead for mediation or...
The ins and outs of alimony in Maryland
In many marriages, it is not uncommon for one spouse to be financially dependent on the other. Maybe one is the breadwinner while the other stays at home or maybe both spouses work, but one's income is simply more than the other's is. When couples in this position...
Free apps and other ideas for military parents who divorce
As a member of the U.S. military in Maryland who also happens to be a parent, you likely already have a military family care plan in place. If not, you'll no doubt want to research the topic and execute a plan for instructions regarding financial care, medical care...