Get Experienced Help With Your Military Divorce
Military divorces have unique considerations. While the issues in a military divorce remain similar to concerns in a civilian divorce, including child custody, spousal support and property division, the way these matters are approached can vary greatly in a military divorce.
At the Law Offices of Michael Gast, you will work with an experienced military divorce lawyer who has represented the interests of military personnel for decades, including service members from Fort Detrick.
Military Child Custody
One of the largest concerns in a military divorce is child custody. Custody matters can change dramatically depending on whether one parent is deployed or recently returned from deployment. Our firm has also represented clients who are deployed during their divorce or who are suffering from PTSD or other condition related to their service.
We often point out to the court the benefit our service members play in protecting our country. While you may have been away for a significant time from your children, you are providing for your family through your hard work and patriotism. This should be factored into any decision regarding child custody matters.
Military Pensions
Retirement assets in a military divorce are handled differently than in civilian divorces. While no law guarantees that a military ex-spouse is entitled to a portion of a military pension, it is possible for a former spouse to receive a portion of the pension from a family court order. Under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, state courts can treat military pensions as a marital asset, subject to division along with other marital property.
Alimony (Spousal Support)
Because many former spouses of service members forego getting an education or advancing their career to provide support for their spouse, alimony is often at issue in military divorces.
We provide a thorough evaluation of the case for financial support, and we can advise our clients regarding the possibility of temporary or permanent alimony.
Get A Free Consultation With A Military Divorce Lawyer
Our conveniently located office in Frederick, Maryland, represents clients throughout Frederick County and Washington County. We are also able to meet clients in Hagerstown. Call us at (301) 732-6410 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney or contact us here.