Skilled Guidance For Spousal Support (Alimony) Issues
Various factors go into determining alimony as part of a divorce, including income disparity, length of the marriage, the need for support, and the ability to pay. The court will include various financial factors regarding determining spousal support, more commonly known as alimony. The court will not consider personal feelings, “bad behavior” like infidelity in determining alimony.
At Your Side Throughout The Entire Process Of Securing Spousal Support
At the Law Offices of Michael Gast, we spend the time with clients to evaluate their cases and determine if they are good candidates for alimony. If certain requirements are met, we draft and submit the complaint. From there, we enter the discovery phase and conduct in-depth investigations to verify financial claims.
While Maryland does provide the option of permanent alimony, securing that type of spousal support is extremely challenging. If you are pursuing permanent or temporary alimony, settlement is your best option. Putting such an important financial matter in the hands of a judge takes away the option of flexible arrangements.
The Need For A Timely And Formal Spousal Support Agreement
Some divorcing husbands try to sidestep the legal process and enter into verbal alimony agreements. Many times, the “negotiations” are used as threats of the paying spouses deliberately impoverishing themselves by taking a lesser-paying job or not working at all. We encourage our clients needing spousal support to ignore the demands and move forward in a more formalized fashion.
Time is of the essence in filing for alimony. You do not have to wait for the divorce to be finalized. Going without spousal support for a certain amount of time undermines the argument for needing financial help.
Contact A Frederick Alimony Lawyer At (301) 732-6410
Please fill out our intake form or contact attorney Michael Gast at (301) 732-6410 to schedule a free initial consultation.